Emmy and the Coven of Witches Read online

Page 5

  “I sent Ayden to walk the streets, hoping he will gather news regarding the members of Grisandole’s coven.”

  “Does he know to stay away from Grisandole and her hags?” The fear she felt was clearly etched on her face.

  “Yes, but I fear they may already know his identity.”

  “Aren’t you afraid for him, after all, he’s just a boy.”

  The Professor smiled his brilliant, white smile. A small lock of dark hair tickled his forehead, while his dark mane flowed past his shoulders. “Ayden is more than capable of taking care of himself. I have no fear where my young charge is concerned.”

  “That’s good.” Grammie took another sip of tea hoping to calm her nerves. “But you’re worried about Emmy?” Grammie had feared Grisandole’s arrival since she first brought Emmy, as an infant, through the gateway.


  “We call her Emmy. I thought it was safer than using her real name.”

  “That is wise. I am not aware of Grisandole’s plans. For the time being, I will allow Emmaria to remain here under your care. She must be kept safe. After all, the life of every witch and mortal rests in her hands.”

  “But she isn’t prepared.”

  “She will be. I have faith in you and your love for your granddaughter. You must teach her all she needs to know.”

  This worried Grammie more than anything. “Yes, I know she needs to be taught magic, but I don’t know if we have enough time.”

  “She must be trained and skilled in all aspects of magic.” He stood. “I leave this task to you and pray we prevail.”

  “Thank you, Professor.” Grammie escorted him to the door.

  “Grisandole will follow every lead. Should she discover your identities, and your whereabouts, you and Emmaria will be in danger.”

  “I understand, Professor. I’ll do everything in my power to thwart those who would harm Emmy.”

  “I know you will do your best. I only hope it will be enough.”

  “I love that girl.” Conviction laced Grammie’s words. “Grisandole took my daughter from me, and I refuse to allow her to take my granddaughter. That, Professor, is my solemn oath.”

  “I do not doubt your sincerity only your magical prowess against the strength of that coven. Once they find their quarry, they will unite against anyone who stands in their way.”

  Sadness crept into Grammie’s eyes when she looked up at the Professor. “I’m aware of this, but I gave my word to protect this girl and protect her, I shall.”

  The Professor took Grammie’s hand in his and raised it to his lips. “I know you will. I will remain in Salem for a while longer. In the meantime, Ayden is assigned to guard her. He will watch over her like a guardian angel.”

  “I understand. Good day, my friend.”

  Grammie closed the door, fearing the Professor’s words. She set about cleaning up after his departure. She washed and dried the dishes and wondered if the Professor’s worries would come to fruition. What if he was right? What if Grisandole found them? Would Emmy’s life be forfeit? He wouldn’t have traveled all this way for no apparent reason. He must be worried their secret has been compromised otherwise he would have sent her a missive as he’d done in the past to keep her abreast of the situation. If the Professor was correct, the worse thing imaginable had descended upon the streets of Salem and landed upon the shoulders of a thirteen-year-old girl.



  Grisandole stepped through a veil of black smoke and moved across the pavement. She stopped, looked around, and watched each member file out of the smoke-filled tunnel, until it collapsed and became nothing more than a puff of smoke from an extinguished fire.

  She walked the streets with a small coven of grizzled, old witches. Her long white hair and piercing dark eyes gave her an evil appearance. “We must find the child before it’s too late,” she told Bertha, her Lieutenant. She was younger and stood almost a head taller than her Mistress, but knew her place and trailed behind. Her long salt and pepper hair was partially hidden beneath her witch’s hat. “Of course, Mistress.”

  Soft footsteps and long black robes swept over the walkway. They passed many houses, but failed to admire the beauty of the town. Their concern was on one person and nothing else mattered.

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “My apologies.” She bowed before her powerful Mistress.

  “Better. We don’t know her whereabouts or her identity for that matter.” She looked up and down the street. Many businesses lined the downtown core, and in the darkness, they appeared to be similar in size and store front.

  “How do we find her?” Sheehan inquired. She spoke from inside the group of witches marching behind their Mistress.

  “If I knew that, we’d already have her,” Grisandole barked.

  “Of course, Mistress. I was merely wondering if you had a plan.” The woman’s eyes grew wide with fear.

  “My plans are my own, for the time being.” Grisandole moved forward.

  The others followed. Slowly, they made their way through town. Darkness from the extinguished lamps gave them the necessary cover needed to move freely around the city’s core.

  Soft voices muttered unintelligible words, as the coven pressed on. They continued the trek past the Witch Museum, the Witch House and other landmarks that made the town of Salem famous.

  “There must be a way to find this girl. I know she’s here. I felt her magic. Tomorrow we begin our search.” Grisandole led them to a large mansion at the edge of town where candles burned invitingly. “This is it,” the old witch told the group and knocked on the large wooden door.

  A middle-aged woman with short brown hair and large brown eyes surveyed the group of cloaked figures, when she opened the door. This being the middle of the night, she was wearing a robe and slippers.

  Grisandole looked her over and saw her discomfort and fear as she bowed before her.

  “I was wondering if you’d arrive as your missive stated. You are most welcome, Mistress.”

  “We were delayed. Have you any news concerning the child?”

  “No Mistress. No one is talking. If the Coven of Orenda knows her location, they are refusing to speak the words out loud.”

  “We must find someone, and force them to reveal her identity and location. We will do whatever it takes to force a member into divulging the secrets the Coven of Orenda has kept for more than a decade.”

  “In the meantime, please consider my home, your home, Mistress.” Dina stood to one side and allowed Grisandole and her hags to enter. “I have rooms set up for you. Please follow me.”



  Morning brought dense clouds into Salem, hiding the sun behind a curtain of gloom. Grammie poured herself a cup of coffee, and joined Emmy, who followed Grammie’s every move until she took a seat.

  “What’s wrong, Grammie?”

  “Nothing Emmy. Nothing.” She poured milk into her mug and took a long sip. She swallowed the hot liquid, and kept her gaze averted.

  Emmy always sensed when something troubled Grammie and wondered why she thought to keep secrets. “I don’t believe you.” Emmy put her dishes into the dishwasher.

  “Emmy, sit down.”

  “What’s up?” She returned to her seat, but the intensity Emmy saw in Grammie’s blue eyes worried her. Since yesterday, she’d sensed something was terribly wrong.

  “Perhaps you should stay home today?”

  “Now I know there’s something’s wrong.”

  “I’m afraid there is.”

  “You’re scaring me.” Ever since her powers came out, she’d detected her grandmother was hiding something from her.

  “I know. There are certain things that have been set in motion, and I think it would be best if you remained indoors

  “Please tell me what’s going on.” Emmy searched the older woman’s face for some sign, but she kept her emotions under control. “I think I have a right to know.”

  It took Grammie a moment of deliberation to decide what the best course of action was. She took another long, hot sip from her mug and met her granddaughter’s gaze. “There are things that cannot be said.”

  “How am I supposed to stay safe, if everyone keeps secrets? I know something’s not right. I’m not sure how I know this, but I can feel there’s something in the air. It’s all around us.”

  “I know you can. Your mother had this gift, too. She could sense things that were happening, or about to happen. You are like her in so many ways.”

  “You’re not answering my question.”

  “I know. I’m debating how much information to disclose to you.”

  “Tell me everything. After all that happened yesterday, I think I can handle a little bit more.”

  Grammie stood and cleared the breakfast dishes. She chose her words carefully. “Emmy this isn’t easy. Many strange things will happen. I want to prepare you, but at the same time, I must protect you.”

  “Maybe I can help. Who’s the Professor?”

  “The Professor? How did you hear of him?”

  The look on Grammie’s face shocked Emmy. “I heard the name from Ayden. He mentioned the Professor wanted him to stay close to me. He said something about being my protector.”

  “Oh.” Grammie relaxed. “He’s a friend of the coven.”

  “What does he have to do with us?”

  “He’s been very helpful, these many years, in keeping your identity a secret. He’s come here to help protect you.”

  “Who’d want to hurt me?” Emmy felt a twinge of fear crawl through her.

  “Grisandole. If she finds you, she could hurt you.”

  “Why would she hurt me? I don’t know her.”

  “No, she’s never met you, but she knows of your existence and that, my dear, is enough to frighten the members of our coven.” Grammie removed the dishes from the dishwasher and started to hand wash everything. A sure sign, she was troubled.

  “I’d better get to school.”

  “Emmy, I’d like you to stay home today. The signs I saw last night worry me.”

  “What signs?”

  “Last night, the winds howled, the sky darkened unnaturally and the clouds produced lightning. I had hoped it was an approaching storm, but that wasn’t the case. Grisandole arrived on the wings of that storm, and I believe we are now being hunted.” Grammie continued to repeatedly wash the same dish.

  Emmy wondered if she’d rub the floral pattern off the plate, but her thoughts rested on the tale Grammie spun. How could she be expected to believe this story, when nothing made sense to her? Then again, if she stayed home, she could press Grammie for more information. In her mind, Emmy pictured some crazed witch coming after her with a gun or a knife, as she tried to hunt her down like a deer.

  Grammie left the rest of the dishes and went to Emmy. She looked at her granddaughter and removed the amulet she wore. She looked at it before showing it to Emmy.

  “It’s beautiful.” Emmy touched the smooth gold. “I’ve never seen it before.”

  “I’ve kept it hidden for many years.”


  “I didn’t want to have to explain this pendant to you until the time was right.” She reached into her pocket and retrieved a similar amulet. “I want you to wear this all the time. Never remove it and never allow anyone else to put it around their neck.”

  Emmy took the amulet. It was heavy with gold. A phoenix proudly sat on a perch in the center of the golden pendant. The moment it touched her skin, the ruby eyes glowed and scared Emmy. She dropped it on the table. “Sorry.”

  “Emmy,” Grammie began, as she picked it up. “This amulet is the sign of the Coven of Orenda.”

  “But the eyes…” She didn’t know what to say.

  “Yes, the moment the amulet touched your skin, it recognized you and came to life. This amulet will help protect you.”


  “The amulet will alert the coven to danger. With Grisandole and her hags in Salem, you are in danger. The coven will do whatever they can to protect you.”

  “I’m not sure why, but I’m really scared.”

  “I know Emmy. I will help you become the witch that lies dormant within your heart.”

  Emmy took the pendant from Grammie’s outstretched hand, and watched it come to life. The phoenix moved on its perch, as his eyes shone a bright red. Emmy fastened the pendant around her neck, and as the phoenix drop to her chest, she felt its strength run through her. For a moment, she was united with the bird. She ran her hand over the smooth golden texture and looked up at Grammie.

  “Promise me, you’ll never remove it.” Grammie’s tone was stern.


  “No. Not even when you shower. The amulet is your life line to the coven and their protection.”

  “All right Grammie.” Emmy agreed to wear it, even though she was frightened by the power surging through her. How was she supposed to react to everything she’d been told about the coven, and this amulet? She stared at the bird, as it looked up at her and settled itself on its perch. “I promise. I’ll always wear it.” Emmy touched Grammie’s hand.

  “Thank you.”

  “I think I’ll stay home today.” Emmy thought it best to remain in the house, and talk at length with Grammie. If she found out what was going on, she might be able to learn to protect herself.

  “Yes, I think it’s best.”

  Emmy left and returned a few minutes later in jeans and a pink top. “Will you tell me about my mother and the Coven of Orenda?”

  “Yes, I will. Sit down.”

  Emmy’s curiosity ran deeper than her fear, and she hoped she could deal with the tale she was about to hear. She waited for Grammie to begin, and wondered how this would influence her life. Would these changes forever altar what she believed in? Could she face the challenges coming her way? She hoped she could.



  “As you know, Celestria was not just your mother and my daughter, but she was Queen of the Witches and a great woman, who loved her Coven. She ruled with her head and her heart. Everyone adored her.”

  “Was she a queen to all the witches?”

  “Yes, she was, but Grisandole, felt Celestria didn’t deserve to rule. She believed the mantle of queen and ruler of all witches, belonged to her.”

  “What happened to Mom?” Grammie rarely spoke of Celestria and Emmy thought that was because she missed her daughter too much. Since Emmy didn’t know much about her mother, she’d created a fictional life for her in which she’d died of some illness.

  “She was murdered.”

  Tears welled in Emmy’s eyes. “My mother was murdered? How? Who killed her?” How could she cope with the knowledge that her mother had been murdered?


  “Grammie, you should have told me how my mother died. It’s something I needed to know.”

  “We had to keep this a secret from you, so that you didn’t inadvertently use your powers.”

  “Go on.”

  “Grisandole felt she deserved the Crystal Wand and the Queen’s crown, but your mother knew Grisandole was a dark and evil witch. She swore to do whatever was necessary to protect her people from the dark reign.”

  “How did she do that?”

  “Celestria led her coven to war, and soon more covens joined in support of your mother. Together they fought Grisandole and her hags. She won the fight, for the power within the Crystal Wand, was stronger than any power a single witch, or group of witches possessed. Once Grisandole was defeated, your mother b
anished her and her followers. But, Grisandole amassed more supporters to overthrow Celestria. When this attempt failed, she was lured into a trap and killed.” Grammie wiped her tears.

  “Was she killed by a sword?” Emmy asked.

  Grammie looked at Emmy. “How did you know?”

  “Remember the nightmares I’ve been having?”


  “I think I saw Mother’s death.” This was the perfect opportunity to tell her guardian about the dreams she’d been having. She hoped Grammie could shed some light on what they meant, and how to overcome the fear they left inside of her.

  “Do you know where she is?” Grammie demanded.

  “No. All I saw was the sword and the glass coffin where she’s being kept. I know the place is a dark castle, but I don’t know where it is,” Emmy said.

  “Did anyone speak?”

  “No. I never saw anyone else, or heard anyone speak. I wish I could help you more, but I can’t.” She tried to remember more about the dream, but once she’d awakened, she could only recall certain facts.

  “In your dreams, did you ever see the location of the Crystal Wand?”

  “No, Grammie. That’s all I know.”

  “We’ve been searching for your mother, for a long time. You see, she hid the Crystal Wand, and we don’t know where it was hidden,” Grammie said.

  “I’m sorry, but that’s all I know. Grammie, did my mother have long silver hair?”

  “It’s platinum.”

  “Did she wear silver robes?”

  “Yes. They were her dress robes. She always wore them on special occasions. She was very beautiful.” Grammie had a faraway look pass over her features.

  “I saw her lying in a glass coffin on a wooden table. There’s a large fireplace keeping her warm, but that’s all I noticed.” Emmy hoped that was enough information. Try as she might, she had further recollection of the castle.

  Grammie thought for a moment. “I often wondered if Celestria was being kept in Grisandole’s castle.”