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Emmy and the Coven of Witches Page 6
Emmy and the Coven of Witches Read online
Page 6
“I don’t know.” She hadn’t put the dream and her mother’s death together, and so her dreams became nightmares.
“Is there anything else you can tell me about the castle?”
“I don’t remember anything else.”
“If you have any more dreams about your mother, please try to learn where the castle is, or see if you can find out where the Crystal Wand is hidden.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“When you walk the halls, try to see something, anything. Even the smallest detail could help us solve the mystery of your mother’s whereabouts.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Maybe there are paintings, odd colors, anything that could help us figure out if she’s in Grisandole’s castle, or if she’s being kept elsewhere. We’ve been searching for such a long time, and no one had come close to discovering her location. This is the first time anyone has seen her. Maybe you can show us the way.”
“I’m not sure I can control my dreams.” This was starting to freak her out. How was she supposed to find out where her mother’s body was?
“Emmy, listen to me. This is not simply a dream.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s your mother trying to send you a message.”
“How can that be?”
“She’s trying to contact you through your dreams. She has a message for you and she’s using this means of communication.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I can’t explain it.”
“I thought you were going to tell me the truth.”
“Suffice it to say, your mother is reaching out to you. You need to hear her message.”
“I don’t know if I can take anymore.” Emmy placed her face in the hands.
“You have no choice. I understand how difficult this it for you but we’ll get through this together. I’ll guide you every step of the way. Once we start your training, you’ll be able to accept your mother’s messages without reservation or fear.”
Ayden stood outside the house and wondered where Emmy was. This wasn’t her usual behavior. She was never late for school. He looked around and wondered if he should go to the house and make sure nothing was amiss.
He and the Professor had seen the signs, and they knew that Grisandole had found the town where the Valittu was hidden. Had something gone wrong? With Grisandole’s brand of evil walking the street, there’s no telling what could happen. He’d given his word to protect Emmaria, and he would see it through.
Ayden had been given similar details before, but he’d felt some of the people he’d protected hadn’t been worth the effort. Emmaria, on the other hand, deserved to be kept safe. HeAyden looked around again and walked toward the door. His keen, green eyes searched the area for spies, as he rang the doorbell and waited. Footsteps approached and stopped. He knew someone was looking through the peephole. He stepped back to allow Grammie a full view of the front porch. The door opened.
“Come in Ayden.”
One more look around, and he stepped into the foyer. The house was charming. Simple beige and brown tones, gave the front room a homey feel, but the ancient furnishings belied that feeling. He smiled when Emmy came into the living room.
“Good morning,” he said, and bowed before Grammie.
“Good morning, Ayden.”
“Hi Ayden. What brings you here?”
“I wanted to make sure you were all right.”
“Any news?” Grammie asked
“I haven’t seen her, but from what I’ve heard on the streets, she and her band of hags, arrived last night.”
“Do you know where she’s hiding?” Grammie asked, concern written across her aging face.
“No. The coven is searching for her, as we speak. The Professor is also doing whatever he can to discover their whereabouts. I will remain at my post until the Professor changes these plans.”
“Where is he?” Grammie asked.
“He’s making arrangements.”
“What kind of arrangements?” Emmy asked.
“We may have to take you away from here.”
“What? No way! I’m not going anywhere.” She crossed her arms in protest. First, she’s told that she’s a witch, then learns that her mother was murdered by a crazed witch who’s hunting her and now they want her to leave her home. Well no way was that going to happen.
“This may be our only chance.” The last thing Ayden wanted was to force Emmaria into doing something she didn’t want to do, but he had his orders.
“You can’t expect me to leave Salem. This is my home. I won’t leave my friends.”
Ayden was about to say something when Grammie intervened.
“Before we make any decision about leaving, we will weigh the pros and cons.”
“Of course. My apologies.” Ayden realized he’d frightened Emmaria, which was the furthest thing from his mind.
“We need to find out where Grisandole and her hags are holed up. If you speak with the Professor, please have him come by. I think it’s time for Emmy to meet him.” Grammie looked at her granddaughter.
“I will relay your message.” Ayden went to the door. He turned back. “Emmaria.”
“Ayden, could you call me Emmy?”
He glanced at Grammie who nodded. “Of course. Good day, Emmy.”
Emmy turned away from the door and stared hard at her guardian. “Grammie, I’m scared.”
“I know, Child. I know.” She put her arm around Emmy, and led her into the kitchen.
“What are we going to do? I can’t stay home every day.” Emmy lamented. She had the feeling that things were about to change and Emmy didn’t know if she’d be able to keep up — or want to keep up — with the challenges she sensed were headed this way.
“I understand how you feel.”
“Grammie, what makes you think Grisandole is searching for me? Do we even know that’s why she’s here?” Emmy sat down at the kitchen table.
“Yes. We’ve known about the search for the Valittu, for many years. There is no doubt Grisandole is after you and the wand.”
“So, what do we do?”
“Tonight, I will attend the Coven of Orenda’s meeting.”
“May I come with you?” It would be so cool meeting a real coven.
“No, you must remain here.”
“Don’t you think I’d be safer with you, then here alone?”
“No. I can’t chance anyone seeing you. I will speak with Ayden, and he will stay with you, just in case.”
“Grammie, he’s not that much older than me. How can he protect me?”
“Ayden has been trained by the Professor and has many talents. I trust him to protect you.”
“Who’s going to look after you?” If this witch was out there searching for her, and she found Grammie, there’s no telling what Grisandole and her hags could do.
“I can take care of myself, there is no need to worry. Ever since your birth, Grisandole has been trying to find you, but no one has broken their vow of secrecy.”
“Still, I’m frightened for you. Maybe Ayden can keep an eye on you. If no one knows I’m here, it stands to reason you need protection.”
Grammie smiled and patted Emmy’s cheek. “I’ll be fine.”
When evening descended, Grammie took her canvas bag and put some things inside. Emmy watched her with interest. Fear clouded her eyes when she thought of Grammie walking the same streets as Grisandole, alone and vulnerable. The ringing doorbell startled her. She was about to open the door, but was stayed by Grammie.
“Never open the door unless you know who’s standing on the other side.”
“Grammie, this is ridiculous.”
“Humor me, Emmy.” Grammie opened it. “Come in Ayden.”
“Hi Ayden.” Emmy’s tone sounded almost dejected
He looked at Grammie.
“Emmy, I told you Ayden would be here to protect you.”
“Am I intruding?”
She blushed. “No. I’d feel better if you looked after Grammie.”
“I’m here to protect you. Is that a problem?”
“No. I’m glad you’re here.”
“Good.” He smiled and followed the women into the kitchen.
“I’ll make some tea.” Grammie plugged in the teakettle. A few minutes later, they sat around the table, deep in conversation.
“The coven is meeting tonight,” Grammie informed Ayden.
“I know. Word on the street is the hags are searching for a sign to lead them to Emmy. You must be very careful and make sure no one follows you.”
“I will.” Grammie sipped her tea. Her eyes were cloudy with worry.
“I don’t want you to go. You should stay here with us.” This didn’t feel right, but then she didn’t understand what kind of power Grammie possessed.
“I wish I could, but decisions will be made.”
“I’m afraid she’s right, Emmy. Every member of the order will be there on this night. Grammie is an elder and the caretaker of the Valittu. She must be there to represent your interest.”
“I should go with her.”
“No!” Grammie and Ayden said in unison.
Startled, Emmy jumped in her chair.
“Sorry,” Ayden said. “You can’t leave this house. Grisandole and her hags have no knowledge of your location, and we need to make sure they never find you.”
“But won’t they know that I’m here if they see Grammie?” Emmy chewed her thumbnail in fear for her grandmother’s safety.
“No. Each member has a home in Salem, and we shouldn’t assume they will think you’re here.”
“I don’t like it, but I guess I have to accept your decision.” Emmy had been accepting Grammie’s decisions a lot lately.
“I have to leave. I need to take the long way around to make sure no one follows me to the meeting or back home.”
Emmy stood and went to Grammie. She hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Please be careful.”
“I will. Look after her Ayden.”
“You have my word. No one will get past me as long as there is breath in my body.” He bowed to Grammie.
With a last look, Grammie left the house.
Ayden turned toward Emmy. “She’ll be all right.”
“I hope so.” A tear slid down her cheek. She wiped it away, embarrassed to show such weakness in front of Ayden.
Grammie walked up the street, and surveyed the area for signs of being followed, but the streets were deserted. A slight breeze touched the green leaves of the trees lining the walkways. She looked around concerned that someone was skulking around, but she arrived at the meeting place without incident. Candles burned brightly in the windows, inviting the witches to enter.
With a final look around, Marsilia raised her hand and knocked twice, once, and then twice again. The code to enter was accepted as Grammie adjusted her robe and hood. The door opened, and she was admitted into the home’s interior. Her eyes swept the room. She recognized the women standing within the confines of their meeting place.
The coven gathered in the large foyer. Women of all ages and sizes came together on this night. A cloaked figure glided down the stairs and stopped on the landing to search the sea of faces. She focused on Marsilia, hoping to make eye contact, but settled for a subtle nod.
Grammie returned the nod and stepped forward. She dropped her hood. “Mistress.”
“I was hoping you’d come.” Malka lowered her voice. She couldn’t afford to be overheard by her sisters.
“I had to come. Word has reached us of Grisandole’s arrival.”
“Yes. I repeatedly read the signs in case I was mistaken, but they revealed she is in Salem.”
“Does she know where the child is?” Grammie asked.
“No. The hags are searching for her.”
“This is good news.”
“You know what needs to be done.”
“Yes.” Grammie dared not disclose Emmy’s name, for fear of discovery. The coven knew of Emmaria’s existence, but no one, except for Mistress Malka had knowledge of Emmy’s identity.
Malka turned away from Grammie who stepped back and was instantly lost in a sea of dark robes. “Sisters!” Malka spoke and a hush fell over the coven, as each woman listened to their mistress. “As you know, the signs we read were correct. Last night Grisandole and her hags arrived on our doorstep, and I’m sad to say, have begun their search for the Valittu. We must band together and consummate our vow to protect her.”
“But how can we stop them?” a young witch asked from inside the crowd.
“By whatever means available to us. If we must, we will send her away, but that will not guarantee her safety. Until we decide what the best course of action is, we will guard this town and make sure the child is safe.”
“But with her powers bursting out, she won’t be safe anywhere,” Nori spoke out from the crowd.
“This is true, but we can buy her some time by forcing Grisandole to use her powers to locate the child.” Malka and the coven had also felt the powers burst from Emmy that night.
“Of course, once she picks up the child’s magical flow, she will weaken enough for us to send the child to a new and unknown place,” Nori stated proudly.
“Where will we send her?” Cira asked.
“We will never breathe a word or the name of the new location,” Mistress Malka told her coven. “In the meantime, all we can do is vow to keep the coven’s secret. We will watch the streets, and prevent Grisandole and her hags, from finding her. I don’t want anyone confronting their coven. If they are found, you must seek me out. Be safe, my sisters. This meeting is at an end.” She excused all the women. “Marsilia, I would like a word, if you please.”
“Of course, Mistress.” Grammie waited until all the women had left the building before she approached Malka.
When they were alone, she led Grammie up the stairs and into her personal quarters. She sat in the quaint little kitchen, while Malka put the kettle on. She placed two cups on the table and poured out the tea. Grammie watched her remove her cloak to reveal a blue T-shirt and jeans. Her short, dark hair was neatly cut in layers around her face.
Marsilia sipped her tea. “Something troubles you.”
“Yes. I believe we are in peril.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Marsilia, I believe that someone has infiltrated our coven. There is a spy in our midst and we must take action.”
“What?” Disbelief claimed Grammie’s face. She couldn’t believe a member of this coven would gather information for Grisandole. The betrayal of one’s coven was punishable by torture and death.
“Yes, I’m afraid there is trouble brewing. We must consider sending Emmy away before it’s too late.”
“I’m not sure that’s the best thing for her. Grisandole will simply follow us. For now, no one knows her identity. We could set up a false trail for Grisandole to follow.”
“It could work, but we need to discover the identity of the traitor.”
“It’s a great risk.”
“I agree, but in the meantime, Emmy must stay out of sight. That means no school or extracurricular activities.”
“She’ll fight me on this.”
“I would speak with her, but I’m afraid of being followed. Is she alone?”
“No. Ayden is with her.”
“That’s good. The Professor has sworn to help us.”
A short while later, Grammie left the building and made her way home.
; “Here you go,” Ayden said, and set two mugs of hot chocolate on the table. He sat across from Emmy.
“Are you, all, right?”
“I guess.” Emmy sipped the hot liquid. “This is really good.”
He nodded. “What’s troubling you?”
“Everything. A few days ago, I was a normal kid. Now I’m trying to learn how to use and control magic. I’m hiding from some crazed witch who’s out to get me, and I don’t really understand why. If that’s not enough, Grammie tells me a story about my mother’s death and how I’m supposed to find a wand, and take over a coven.”
Ayden looked at his new friend. “You’ve had a very busy day.”
Emmy looked at him and laughed. “That’s one way of putting it.”
His smile warmed her.
“There are many events capturing your heart and mind. Alone, these occurrences will overpower you, but if you accept help from those who care for you, you will overcome these obstacles.”
“I feel like my whole life has been a lie.”
“Perhaps, but you need to look at the big picture.”
“And what’s that?” She finished her drink.
“You have a grandmother who loves you. She’ll teach you all you need to know. If you place your trust in her love for you, she will never let you down.”
“Everyone seems to think that I want to be a part of this coven and their magical world, but maybe I don’t. I feel that my destiny lies here in Salem. I want to attend my graduation, and start high school in the fall with Sarah. Why can’t I be who I was before Grisandole’s arrival?”
“Emmy, you are different, and that is something you must accept. You are a witch who must control the magic trapped inside. If Grammie says you are the Valittu, who will one day wield the Crystal Wand, then that is precisely what you will do.”
“You see, that’s what I mean. Everyone’s telling me what I must do. What if I don’t want to do any of this? What if I want to go to school and enjoy my graduation?”
“There are circumstances in our lives that we have no control over. In your case, you are the Valittu and you have to become who you were destined to be.”